RIA.com - Search and Sale of Cars, Real Estate and Other Goods and Services. In the RIA mobile application, you can conveniently buy and sell cars
RIA.com - Search and Sale of Cars, Real Estate and Other Goods and Services.
In the RIA mobile application, you can conveniently buy and sell cars on Auto.ria, real estate on dom.ria, goods and services on RIA.com .
Choose in the appendix:
- cars, motorcycles and other transport on the author;
- real estate for sale or rent on Domria;
- goods and services on RIA;
- pets;
- vacancies.
Keep the most interesting offers in your notebook and subscribe to new ads with the parameters of interest.
Sell real estate, cars, goods, services quickly and conveniently:
• take a picture of real estate, cars or other goods on a smartphone and immediately add a free announcement about the sale or lease for free;
• Follow the ads and raise them to higher positions in the search.
Look for trusted apartments, verified cars and goods from trusted sellers in the RIA app.
The RIA application is available in Russian and Ukrainian.